Charleston South Carolina

Population data

Resident total population estimate (July 1) 2006 = 331,917
Resident population (April 1) 2000 (complete count) = 309,969
Resident total population estimate, net change - April 1, 2000 to July 1, 2006 = 21,939 people
Resident total population estimate, percent change - April 1, 2000 to July 1, 2006 = 7.1%

Population data by age
Resident population under 5 years of age (July 1) 2006 = 23,561
Resident population under 5 years of age, percent (July 1) 2006 = 7.1%
Resident population under 18 years of age (July 1) 2006 = 78,406
Resident population under 18 years of age, percent (July 1) 2006 = 23.6%
Resident Population 65 years and over (July 1) 2006 = 40,766
Resident population 65 years and over, percent (July 1) 2006 = 12.3%

Population data by sex
Resident population total females, percent (July 1) 2006 = 51.6%
Resident population total males, percent (July 1) 2006 = 48.4%

Population data by races
Resident population White alone (July 1) 2006 = 215,180
Resident population White alone, percent (July 1) 2006 = 64.8%
Resident population Black alone (July 1) 2006 = 107,164
Resident population Black alone, percent (July 1) 2006 = 32.3%
Resident population American Indian and Alaska Native alone (July 1) 2006 = 1,022
Resident population American Indian and Alaska Native alone, percent (July 1) 2006 = 0.3%
Resident population Asian alone (July 1) 2006 = 4,648
Resident population Asian alone, percent (July 1) 2006 = 1.4%
Resident population Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone (July 1) 2006 = 216
Resident population Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone, percent (July 1) 2006 = 0.1%
Resident population Two or more races (July 1) 2006 = 3,687
Resident population Two or more races, percent (July 1) 2006 = 1.1%
Resident population Hispanic or Latino Origin (July 1) 2006 = 10,826
Resident population Hispanic or Latino Origin, percent (July 1) 2006 = 3.3%
Resident population Not Hispanic, White alone (July 1) 2006 = 206,033
Resident population Not Hispanic, White alone, percent (July 1) 2006 = 62.1%

More population data
Births 2004 = 4,762
Deaths 2004 = 2,692
Infant deaths under one year 2004 = 55
Population 5 years and over by residence in 1995 - percent in same house 2000 (sample) = 49.6%
Percent foreign born population 2000 (sample) = 3.6%
Population 5 years and over, percent speaking language other than English at home 2000 (sample) = 6.4%

Educational attainment
Educational attainment - persons 25 years and over - percent high school graduate or higher 2000 = 81.5%
Educational attainment - persons 25 years and over - percent bachelor's degree or higher 2000 = 30.7%

Civilian non-institutionalized population, 5 years and over, with a disability 2000 (sample) = 59,609
Mean travel time to work (minutes), workers age 16+, 2000 = 22

Housing data
Housing unit estimates as of July 1, 2006 = 165,148
Housing unit estimates - net change, April 1, 2000 (base) to July 1, 2006 = 24,124
Housing unit estimates - percent change, April 1, 2000 (base) to July 1, 2006 = 17.1%
Owner-occupied housing units - percent of total occupied housing units 2000 (complete count) = 61.0%
Median value of specified owner-occupied housing units 2000 (sample) = $ 130,200
Housing units by units in structure - multiple units 2000 (sample) = 28%

Households data
Households 2000 (complete count) = 123,326
Persons per household 2000 (complete count) = 2.42
Per capita income in 1999 = $ 21,393
Median household income 2004 = $ 39,962
People of all ages in poverty - percent 2004 = 15.0%

Incomes data (NAICS - North American Industry Classification System)
Personal Income (NAICS) 2005 = Mil.$ 11,254
Per capita personal income (NAICS) 2005 = $ 34,158

Labor and Employment
Civilian labor force 2006 = 172,913
Civilian labor force unemployment 2006 = 8,735
Civilian labor force unemployment rate 2006 = 5.1%
Employment in all industries (NAICS) 2005 = 270,525
Employment in all industries (NAICS), net change 2000(SIC)- 2005 = 24,870
Employment in government and government enterprises (NAICS) 2005 = 53,503
Earnings in all industries (NAICS, no code) 2005 (thousands dollars) = $ 11,076,143
Earnings in all industries (NAICS, no code), average earnings per job 2005 (in thousands dollars) = $ 40,943
Private non-farm establishments 2005 = 11,706
Private non-farm employment for pay period including March 12, 2005 = 176,165
Private non-farm employment for pay period including March 12, 2005, percent change 2000-2005 = 3.8%
Non-employer: total (NAICS 00) establishments, 2005 = 26,058
Accommodation and Food Services: total (NAICS 72) - sales of establishments with payroll 2002 (thousands dollars) = $ 1,024,476
Total number of firms 2002 = 30,232
Total Black-owned firms of 100 or more, percent 2002 = 7.7%
Total American Indian-and Alaska Native-owned firms of 100 or more, percent 2002 = 0.6%
Total Asian-owned firms of 100 or more, percent 2002 = 1.8%
Total Hispanic-owned firms of 100 or more, percent 2002 = 1.0%
Total Native Hawaiian-and Other Pacific Islander-owned firms of 100 or more, percent 2002 = Less than 100 firms: percentage not available
Total women-owned firms of 100 or more, percent 2002 = 28.1%
Manufacturing: total (NAICS 31-33) - value of shipments 2002 (thousands dollars) = $ 3,113,448
Wholesale trade: total (NAICS 42) - sales of establishments with payroll 2002 = $ 2,446,472
Retail trade: total (NAICS 44-45) - sales of establishments with payroll 2002 = $ 4,638,504
Retail trade: total (NAICS 44-45) - sales of establishments with payroll per capita 2002 = $ 14,639
New private housing units authorized by building permits - total 2006 (20,000-place universe) = 5,347
Valuation of new private housing units authorized by building permits 2006 (20,000-place universe) (thousands dollars) = $ 976,806
Land in farms (NAICS) 2002(acres)(not adjusted) = 47,515
Federal Government expenditure - total FY 2004 (thousands dollars) = $ 4,020,289
Federal Government expenditure per capita FY 2004 = $ 12,303

Geography data
Land area, 2000 (square miles) = 918.51
Persons per square mile, 2000 = 337.30


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